Community Survey #2

Fremont, CA Urban Forest Management Plan

Survey Closed - See Results Below

The following survey results were compiled from the second survey to support the objective of gathering community input on “what we want” for our Urban Forest. This second survey built on the previous survey that gathered viewpoints and perceptions as it related to urban forest conditions, management, and benefits for an understanding of “what we have.”

The results of this brief survey will help guide the development of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan. This was the second of three planned surveys, with the focus of gathering community input on “what we have” as well as determining current tree care roles, responsibilities, needs, and desires.

From the planning consultants at PlanIT Geo and the City’s Urban Forester,

Thank you for your participation!

For more questions or information, contact the City at Stay engaged by checking in at

Q1: Please select from the following:

Q2: Using the map, in which district of Fremont do you live?

Q3: Which of the following most closely describes your opinions on the amount of tree canopy coverage in the City? Tree canopy is the layer of leaves, branches, and stems of trees that cover the ground when viewed from above.

Q4: From the list below, please choose the areas you feel are most in need of more tree plantings.

Q5: Do you think the overall health and quality of the City’s public trees (street and park trees) has improved, declined, or stayed the same in the last 10 years?

Q6: How would you rate the overall care and management of the street trees in Fremont (includes City-maintained and privately-maintained street trees)?

Q7: What is the most urgent street tree-related need in your neighborhood (includes City-maintained and privately-maintained street trees)?

Q8: If you had an additional $100 to direct towards the urban forest, how would you allocate the funds among the types of services listed below?

Q9: The City evaluated its public tree inventory completed in 2020, feedback from the first survey, and industry recommendations and found that public street tree maintenance is a primary concern in Fremont. Improvements in maintenance of street trees would require additional funding. Which ONE of the following statements best represents how you feel an improved street tree maintenance program should be funded?

Q10: The City does not have existing funding to maintain City street trees other than removing hazards from the rights-of-way. Would you be willing to pay more through higher taxes to have all street trees maintained to the industry standard?